Thursday, March 26, 2009

Coralline Show and Tell

At the second guild meeting of the year, Tony Defillips showed us his souvenirs from his work on the stop-motion animation movie “Coralline”. I unfortunately only had my cell phone camera with me so, the pictures aren’t the best. But if you’ve seen the movie, you’ll probably recognize a few things:

The circus mice spelling her name.

One of the dogs in theater chairs. One of the circus mice in a gift to all the workers on the show.

A running Coralline.

One of Coralline's many faces.

One of Coralline's Other Mother's faces.

Hands, Coralline's are the small pale ones with blue nails.

Rob holding the dog on the theater chair. There were hundreds of dogs in the theater.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky, That would have been a very interesting conversation to of been in on. Oh the envy one has for those involved.