Saturday, September 3, 2011

Next Shows

This blog post will be forever updating and moving forward in time--so don't be surprised to see it over and over again.

Issunboshi at  at the Aki Matsuri at Bellevue College
Date & Times: Sat 9/10/2011 at 12:30pm or 2:45pm at the Carlson Theater,
Sun 9/11/2011 at 1:45pm or 4:00pm in Room E129
Please Note the times and locations are not the same both days

Punch and Judy at Glastonbury Faire
Toledo, OR
Date: May 12th and 13th, 2012

Punch and Judy at Ye Merrie Greenwood Faire
Richland, WA
Date: June 30th and July 1st, 2012

Friday, July 15, 2011

Steve Whitmire and Kermit the Frog

Steve Whitmire was an interesting fellow.  He isn't anyone you would pick out of a crowd--told us he still mows his own lawn.  But when he takes up Kermit the Frog, he has the power to make me so happy I cry.
He brought two videos to show us.  One went through the many looks of Kermit as he evolved into the puppet we know and love.  The second was this one:

However, the true teary-eyed moment for me was when we all sang Rainbow Connection with Kermit leading us. "Big Finish", he cried at the final verse. Yes, it was Kermit, yes it was.*sniff* I'm so happy. *sniff*