Monday, April 14, 2008

A very productive building session!

Blog Backup: A very productive building session!

The construction on the Momotaro puppets took a giant leap forward this weekend thanks to an all-day session on Saturday. All heads are at least started, and only one set of hands need to be assembled...which means we are almost done with Papier-Mache. (Well, we made need it again for props and sets.)

At the end of the month, Frank and I are going to BCC with the director of the festival to pick out a location. After that point, the stage can be built although I’ve done my homework. I’ve looked about the web and Home Depot. So the stage is pretty much planned at this point.

For this month, the script will need to be finalized.

By the way, I adore making scary Oni! Big teeth, horns, and crazy colors—what’s not to love? It’s nice not to have to make something which must be cute or beautiful. Although, I think my Oni are cute...a face only a mother could love. Frank said my last one was the most scary I’ve done so far. Ah well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.